Hello dear readers again
Of whatever frequency
That you read my words
Which need to be
But more reliably left
For you to read
Which has been a fault of mine
Since I had this site
So to say I'm off
To a goodly start
To start the year
Is fair to say
Even though
What I've left for you
In 2022
Is naught but felled
From the open plain
As the narrative bits
Are lacking yes
With less than 20%
Of all the harvest to date
Taken from the forest
Of fantastical things
Where the fantastical sigh
Is openly questioned
But felling only
From the open plain
Cannot be
The only harvest
That I offer here
That just won't work
At least for me
And not for you
And no
It won't all be verse
That I offer either
As I'm sure you'd like
A little prose as well
As that's the better way
To successfully tell
A goodly tale
That will not fail
Though maybe I'm not meant
To ever succeed
As a writer no
At least beyond the writing
Of a million words a year
That I did for the last three each
With the last good doing
Being of the rhyming kind
And poetry's hold
Is hard on me
As I've yet to write
Any prose as yet
Though it's only the 2nd
And I'll surely fell
Some prose but soon
Especially on the day
That I set out to write
And successfully too
10,000 words
In one day only
As that's a thing
From the million word years
That I mean to keep
Does any of this writing
Meet any of your needs
Of what you're looking for
In a little site
That's not behind
Any wall of pay
Though there's yet to be a year
Where I was here
Each and every day
It was only in 2021
That that could be done
Because I only made the site
In July of 2020
Well answers yes
To questions like this
Are long in coming
So long sigh
That they might as well be
Not coming at all
But I'll keep on posting
Yes all the same