So I planted a tree
And if I know you
As I surely do
Since you’ve been known by me
For all my life
As you’re the wife
Of mine own father
Which makes you my mother
You said ha
You ain’t done no such thing
You’re up to some clevering
Which I never get
Because I just can’t follow your thinking
That ain’t wrong
I like to sing the song
Of The Inscrutable Poet
Writing words
That no one cares to read
All that being said
I planted a tree
And what that means
You’ll have to wait and see
That’s just the way it is
Now about that tree
The one I planted metaphorically
You understand I’m sure
That I planted it for you
In honour of your day
Though who’s to say
It will ever bear fruit or nuts
Even anything at all
For though it’s said to grow tall
I bought that sapling
From the mystery stand
That brightly shone
In the back of the farm
Which has a goodly charm
That I wouldn’t mind exploring
But I digress
And must confess
I hope you have patience
Because you might wait to see
The bounty of this tree
If there’s any to be had
For many a week
Even months alas
Not that that’s anything new
When it comes to me
Just fair warning
Just when you thought the poem was over
I’m back to tell
Of the dream that I had
Which I saw in colours of red gold and green
Like what could it mean
Oh and sugar and salt as well
Aye what the hell
Could be going on
But worst of all
The tree was felled
Or did I forget to mention
That that little sapling
Of just a few days ago
Had grown so wide
At its goodly base
That I could lie face to face
With my sweet beloved
If a stump was all it was
And now it sadly is
As for its former height
It stretched to the heavens high
So now I cry
For what was lost
As I write these words
And wish by magic
That it could be unfelled
How so sadly ever
The long bloody axe
Dug deep dead center
In the beautiful stump
Says that can’t be
And I miss the tree
So recently planted
Yeah no dream that
The tree is gone
And all that remains
Is a mighty stump
With blood but pooled around
And seeping into the ground
Aye blood not sap
Which leaves you wondering I’m sure
As this turns tale
Is this but more
Of my sci pow crap
That I’ve tricked you into reading
As you ain’t ever had the needing
For my preferred milieu
Wouldn’t that be telling
And where’s the fun in that
As I seek the solace
Of a little humour
As what better time for it
When things have gone awry
And I quietly cry
Over a poor felled tree
Metaphorical though it used to be
Loss is loss
So the tree is gone
But the tale ain’t over yet
Thus rest assured
E’en terrified
By the damnable prospect
That more of this verse
Will wend its way to you
Aye some gift
You didn’t ask to get
Wait one damn minute
Is this in truth
What the whole of the tree
Was all about
Like is this your gift for me
You ask in frustration
As there’s no comfort or joy
That comes from the words
I seek to share here
Again indeed
That would be telling
But maybe yes
I’ll leave you to guess
As you pore back over
The words I’ve written
Or likely not
As you shake your head
And think of the better gifts
You’ve already gotten
Not that I’m rotten
But it’s fair to say
Even every single day
That I try your patients
Another day
And more has happened
As the fate of the tree
Is up in the air
Though it no longer reaches those heights
All is not lost
According to Gallakanaea
The long but rumoured
To still be living sorceress
Of days of yore
As the bloody gore
Of the long damn axe
That felled the timber
Which we can imagine
Was said by that villain
As he felled her hard
Or did I not tell you
That in the dream I dreamt today
The tree is female
And her death can be undone
Now that is news
That we both needed
But it needs a thing from you
That I know that you can do
Which is of course
The place of home
Needs to be revealed anew
As a magic has seeped inside my head
And blocked the knowing
Which I need alas
To borrow the strength
Of both you and father
Though sadly the bother
Is the magic needs blood
As the sacred needle
Must be plunged in the palms
Of those who share their selves
In this goodly task
So I have to ask you both
Can you do this please
And take our sadness away
Though it’s your day
I ask for this gift
For all our sakes
Many thanks
Yes I now give
To father and thee
For the goodly strength
You promptly shared with me
So that when I fell to sleeping
I was quickly keeping
In the fair good company
Of Gallakanaea herself
Aye to the Plain of Dreams
I easily went
Like it was but a walk
From home to the hills
Like I once did
When I was a boy
And Life was care good free
And I dreamt of many things
That I would do
Most of which
I haven’t yet done
But this ain’t about that
This is about
The fate of a tree
More than metaphorical
For it has a realness to it
Which I must save
So I’ll be brave
And do what needs
To be done in deeds
Instead of words
Now this I say
For Galla looked at me hard
And said I’d be greatly challenged
For the reversal of death
Is no easy feat
That just anyone
Can yes undo
So it’d be true
For you to shake your head
So she’s asking you
To do the nigh but impossible
Like when have you ever
Done but such a deed
At any level
From dreaming youth
To a failing truth
That we have to doubt
That you could ever do it
And the truth but hurts of course
But I‘ve actually done
A deed or two
That gives me cause
To think I can
Though I’m not the kind of man
To stand but tall
With my chest puffed out
But I faced the giants once
On a field of glory and bruises
And knew a season of greatness
Where I was swift
And carried the ball
To the end in triumph
Not just once or twice
But to a number many times that
And on another level
As this good doing
Asks for more than just
The deeds of the body
I no longer have
But the workings of the mind
And even will
That I still possess
As I knew three good years
But recently passed
Where I did what few
Would even dare of dreaming to do
And did but greater
With each fair passing
So though it be
An improbable task
I freely admit
It’s not impossible
For me to me to do it
All I ask
Is you believe
As I’ll feel your doubt
And faith as well
With but hurting
And the other helping
Maybe just pretend
That it’s Aera or Clivus
Who’s making the attempt
When you close your eyes in prayer
As it’s actually what
I’ll be doing myself
For we all know
They’ve accomplished more
Than ever I will
Though if I do this
I’ll stand tall indeed
With one great doing
That they couldn’t do
But that’s a possible tomorrow
As the actual today
Having met again
With the Graceful Gallakanaea
And knowing the stakes
She laid out to me
For what is more than a tree
But might be my destiny
Has me thinking
Am I truly up
To the task at hand
Which is my signal
To not only ask of you and father
To pray your hardest
But to spread the word
For the strength of others
As I need it now
Like never before
Now there’s more to say
There’s always more
But the morning stretches
From shallow to deeper
And I think it best
To end the sharing here
As you know but yes
That I’ll have more to share
Come the morrow yes
And the morrow’s come
With the news you need
To know from me
Though ever better
It was told in person
As long as I deliver it right
It’s right however I do
I’ll be going away
For how yes long
I do not know
As Gallakanaea
Hasn’t yet told me
But rest assured
She knows the importance
Of my keeping in touch
So she’ll use her magic
To ensure my letters find you
For she’s said the journey
Will take me far
By land and sea
Until finally
On the most distant part
Of our good world
The trial will truly begin
As for why
She can’t just send me there
By the use of magic
Yes goodly strong
We need the time for training
As I can’t just face my trials
As I currently am
For I lack the strength and speed
To do what I need
And the courage too
We can’t forget that
Not to mention
Well you get the point
I’m woefully unprepared
For the task at hand
And I understand
You’re thinking no my son
It can’t be done
Least of all by you
And though sad we all are
About the loss
Stay and start anew
Don’t try and do
An impossible doing
Throughout my life
Though time and again
Wise good counsel
From both father and you
Has been shared with me
I went my own way
With middling results
To say the least
And this but has to be
Yes one of those times
That I set boldly out
And no I’m not asking for your blessing
I just have to do this
Just pray if you can
Because I could surely use
Whatever good
It can give to me
As for how you’ll feel
I can imagine angry and sad
With plenty sakes of your head
And long loud sighs
But somewhere in amongst the bad
I’ll hope there’s a little pride
As I’m standing tall
Seeking a greatness
That anyone should admire
Now I should get some sleep
As I leave but early this morning
And haven’t yet gathered
All I need gather
For the coming journey
As some damn things
They never ever change
But before I go
I love you all
You and father always
Aera and Clivus too
Though one is easier to love
If I do this right
You’ll all but think
The more of me
Borrodyn oh Borrodyn
My sweet deep sleeping son
As you used to say
When I was up and growing
And you had to wake me for schooling
That was me again this morning
When quite without warning
Gallakanaea up and showed
Yes more than ready
To get the day started
For the journey ahead
Was long indeed
And her favourite steed
Was anxious for the storm
That was not quite so quietly brewing
Which led her top ask
Just what was I doing
Sleeping the sleep
Of the seeming dead
So to say but sigh
The day but started poorly
Would be a statement
But feet underneath
A blanket packed field of snow
That I had to traverse
Without the shoes
To make it easy
Now ever am I grateful
That you never had magic
To wake me no
Because damn but it hurts
When a baby dragon borne
Of that very thing
Drips hot fire
On the bed you’ve had
Since you lived at home
Though I do suppose
I needed another
For the goodly company
I’m sure to have again
So call that a thing
I’ll need to get
When I return
Because yes mother yes
That’s what I’ll surely do
Return of course
Which is an expression
Of faith in myself
I’m not but known to have
Just don’t ask the sorceress
What she thinks about that
As she’s still fuming
Silently though she is
Sitting still
Like she’s left her body
And is far far away
Like she can’t stand
To be in my presence
Now it goes without saying
She’ll have to return
I just haven’t a clue
As to when that’ll be
So yeah my day’s gone well
I only hope
That yours has gone better
Especially as it’s your birthday
And I couldn’t send the gift
I made for you
So I’m sorry to say now
That you’ll have to wait for that
As little a thing
As it truly is
Well she’s finally stirring
So I should go
And give her the fullness
Of my attention
As I’m sadly sure
She’ll angrily demand it
Though kindly or wisely
Would be far preferred
We don’t always get what we want
“Wait what’s this
You finally say
That it’s your mother’s own day
On which she was born
And you didn’t even say it to me
I had to overhear it
From the deepest depths
Of goodly meditation
And return to myself
To quickly do
What should have been done
Yes hours earlier
Like what were you thinking”
She sadly said
Putting me in my place
As I felt bad
About who I am
Even though I’m sure
That I wasn’t in the wrong
Oh but you are
Foolish Borrodyn
But do not fret
Yes overly much
For she’ll forgive you
As Mothers are wont to forgive
The many failings
Of their goodly children
Who are always that
No matter how old they be
But we must hurry
For even time cannot be stopped
By any force
Not even magic
And the carriage stopped
On the proverbial dime
And opened up
To let her take flight
Changing as she did
Into more fitting garb
As she began to ready the spell
That would take us from here
Some distance away
To return to you
So she said the words
And made the gestures
To do but what
Only the very few
Can even dare to do
Which is violate the laws
Of all that is
To let us cross the distance
To the current here
And not so distant there
“I’m sorry I magicked in
So late at night
When you were surely sleeping
Though I see you’ve been woken
Surely more gently than me
But I’ll let that be
Because you’re my Mom
And it’s your birthday
And good should be the word
That describes its whole good length”
“Why yes she did
And this is such a goodly surprise
To see you now
When I didn’t think to see you at all
For many a month
If but ever again
As magic and adventures
Often include a death
That even if roughly roused
I’d have still but had a smile
To greet you with”
“Ellataen Of Shaeth born
This is Gallakanaea
She’s the one to make it so
That I’ll get to know
What it’s like to be a hero
When I bring the tree back
From death’s cold grip
I said but yes
Even though
There was a moment I’m sure
That it sounded odd to hear me say
Words with that like
“A pleasure it is to meet you
I’ll do my very best
To keep your son safe
As a shame it’d be
For permanent harm
To fall on his head
And strike him dead”
You couldn’t help but make a face
But nodded without a word
As you understood what she meant
And turning back to Galla
Who’s honestly hard to turn but from
“Gallakanea long but lived
And many a goodly deed done
This be Ellataen of Shaeth born
Whose least good doing
Is surely me
Not that she’ll admit
To such an obvious truth
Because she’s my Mom
And always loves me yes
“I know that you will
For you’re a mother too
Are you not
As I can see it in your eyes
Though faded by magic
The tired shines but all the same”
And you nodded with the saddest of smiles
With a tear but holding
At the corner of your pretty blue eye
As the goodly green one
Just leaked a little
“The horse is from me
So you can be free
To roam the world
As often as you wish
While the man of metals three
Is the upgraded gift
Your son but crafted himself
As he then but had precious little
So expect the better of him
On future days like this”
And a neighing was heard outside
Along with the heavy steps
Of the aforementioned man
Who’d surely help but care
For the goodly steed
Though first he’d have to build a stable
Since the last got burnt to the ground
In the blaze of three years past
“Now if you don’t mind
Goodly Borrodyn
Give me a moment
With your sweet Mother
I’d like to have a word with her
That you needn’t hear today”
Honestly taken aback
But understanding I think
The necessary need
For a mother to mother talk
I nodded and left
And wonder what was said
But if I’m ever to know
I’ll know when I know of course
And after a seeming forever
In which I paced
Yes back and forth
Even looked to the north
Where we were headed
As they spoke about what
I know but surely not
She out but stepped
And smiled at me
Magicing us back
Yes wordlessly
To the spacious carriage
Safely shielded
From all but her
I just want to say
Thanks for today
Not just for getting me there
Which in and of itself
Is gift enough
For a dozen years
But to go and make
My humble drawing
A most useful metal man
Is more than just a gift
It’s a godly blessing
That I can never repay”
“Though rightly angered
By how I found you
But early this morning
Not only deeply asleep
But not even ready
For the journey at all
With everything packed
The kindness in your eyes
And the goodly sound
That your heart makes
When it quietly beats
Tells me yes
You’ll do your level best
No matter how long it takes
Which makes it impossible
For me to hold my anger long
And that’s a strength indeed”
“I don’t know what to say now
But I’ll think of the words
Yes later on I’m sure
Though my immediate thought is this
I take it as a compliment
With such a power
That I can’t remember being given me
By anyone outside
The smallest of circles
Of goodly blood
Or closest amity”
So needless to say
You have the deepest thanks
That I can give to you”
Now let me ask you this
Though I think I know the answer
That you will give to me
She asked me quietly
Is shall we ride through the night
SInce both Cattherkai
And Saeranicity
Had themselves a rest
While we magicked back
To spend that time with your Mother
They’re good to go again
For a few more hours’
Without no trouble”
“Only what but then
As in the day it be
The best of travelling times
And frankly
I’m finding myself
To be but weary now
LIke I could sleep the sleep
Of one who’s travelled hard
Even though
I know that I didn’t
As the hard good work
Was done by them
As we but rested
Yes easily”
“So then we rest
Is what you’re saying
To which I agree
As I can ever sleep
After using my magic
Like I used it before”
“That is what I’m thinking
But we can also ask the horses
What they wish to do
As they’re the ones
Who’ll be on the road
And making the progress
That we’d be making now”
And with that decision made
I went to ask them both
What they wanted to do
As it struck me true
That was the fairest thing
To do indeed
Only how could I truly know
What they actually wanted
As they can’t speak to me
With voices I can understand
So I’ll have to go by feelings felt
Which is hardly the best of ways
To know for certain
But having decided
That I’d ask them if
They wanted to sleep
Or wanted to ride
Wasn’t I committed
So i walked on over
And first but looked
Into the good strong eyes
Of the hard riding stallion
Yes Cattherkai himself
Who snorted at me
Like please let us ride
I am always at the ready
And for a moment
I felt his wish too
And thought that yes
We could travel more
For there was nothing to say
That we couldn’t rest ourselves
But the merest glance
At the eyes of the mare
Aye but Saeranicity
Told me no
We couldn’t ride no more
Not before resting
So there I was
In the cold hard grip
Of an unknown fear
As I couldn’t see a thing
To make me so afraid
That I knew we had to stop for the night
And I wanted to know
As you would yourself
I then called out
Goodly Gallakanaea
As who but else
Could help me to know
What my fearing
That was maybe nearing
With each passing moment
“Galla please come to my side”
I cried in a panic
Something in Saeranicity’s eyes
Says we cannot ride
The rest of the night
And it’s left me shaken and scared
As I cannot see
Whatever it might be
And I’d rather know
Yes what it is
To better fight it
Than to have no knowing
And be utterly unprepared
For what it can do
Moments passed
And she was there
With her arms around me
Softly talking
Yes in my ear
To chase the fear away
If only for a time
Any time was better than none
“Smart good thinking
But if you can find your calm
That’s but what we need
For there will be
Many a trying time ahead
And if you can’t face them
With a strong and goodly sense of same
Then your story will come to an end
In blood alas
Instead of glory
And that’s a story
You don’t want to write
If you can help it
“Find my calm you say”
I answered her
Still in a panic
As the deepening fear
Of what was near
Had me in a state
Where that was a dream indeed
“Yes find it now
Or there’s no point
In our going any further
Because you’ll never be
The man I thought
Was up to the task
Of restoring the life
Of one good tree
That was taken before its time
Which is a terrible crime”
“But we have to continue
I know down but deep inside
That I can surely do
What you thought I could
Yes you were right to believe in me
I will save the tree
And restore its life”
“Then prove it now
By finding the calm
That you must have
For such a doing
Or you’ll be ruing
This terrible failure
For the test of your days”
“Do you really think
That it would be
Such a failure
To fail to save her
Not that I will
But I suppose that I could
Which wouldn’t be good
But to call it failure
Of epic proportions”
“No not that
Though it’d be sad
That ain’t the failure
Of epicosity
No that’d be failing to master
This fear you’re feeling
Like it was standing here
Before us both
When nothing is
And even if
Yes one’s afraid
You can be that
But you still but have to act
So what’s it going to be”
“It’s going to be
Whatever I will of it
And in my heart
I have the will
Which means I’ll find the calm”
“Then find it now
Or I’ll magic you home
Because you need to be strong
And calm is a key good factor
Of that good strength”
“I will I will
I just need a moment
To gather fast
And feel the calm that I need”
“Aye but fast it better be
Because believe you me
If I magic you home alas
There’s no coming back from that”
And that but crushed me hard
That she was ready
To cut all ties with me
For a little panic
Though surely not good
Was it really as bad
As she claimed it to be
But standing up to her
In defense of myself
Was surely not the thing to do
As her mind was made up
And anything but calm restored
Was going to hurt me so
And I wanted this yes
So I had to find it fast
Or all my hope
Would yes be lost
I closed my eyes
And slowed my breathing
Though I was now but nearly seething
About her terrible words
And seeming readiness
To cut all ties with me
The goal was more important
Than what I felt
So I found my calm
And could only hope
I found it fast enough
For her critical liking
“We surely have
Some work to do
To make your calm
A goodly wall
That stands but tall
Against the wind
That seeks to blow it down
But you found it quick enough
So I’ll continue
To help you yes
But I must confess
This only makes it harder
To bring the tree back
To the goodly life
That was wrongly stolen from it”
“Well surely with your help
I’ll be ready
To rise to the challenge
And do what many
If not almost all
Think to be impossible”
She sighed but yes
Like she was tired
And near the end
Of her own wits
All because of me
Which left me sad
And feeling down on myself
As a panic hadn’t ever been
A thing of such concern before
But I kept these feelings inside
And asked her this
“Please but look
Into Saeranicity’s eyes
And see but clearly
What can be seen
As there’s surely something
That’s terribly near
And likely coming for us
Because if I can feel it like I did
Surely you with your magic
Will see it yes
Like it was there for the seeing”
“You have good reason
To think as you do
For I have the magic
That will allow for this
But I cannot do it tonight
As I’m too tired
To do it right
So it will have to wait
Until the morrow
Though rest assured
We are well protected
Against any menace
That might be stalking us
Thus we should go and sleep
And be fully ready
For the travel ahead”
“If you insist”
I said with a sigh
“To our sleep we’ll go
But you should know
That I’m a little disappointed
Though I imagine this
Matters not to you
Since I must be
A disappointment to you as well”
“I see”
Was what she said to me
“There’s truth to what you say
As the panic you had
Was a disappointment indeed
As what you need
In the coming trials
Is a goodly sense of calm
And bravery too
As what you seek to do
Has many a demand
That most can’t hope
To answer but well enough
So frankly tough
Is one of the words
That describes this journey
So are you sure
That you’re the man for the job
Because truthfully
To say that I doubt it
Would be a ready understatement
To say the least”
I was saddened so
To hear her say this
As it felt like a fist
That punched me in my gut
And felled me hard
Which surely showed
On mine own face
“But you agreed to ready me
For the coming struggle
So how can you say but yes
To do but such a thing
And more than sting
My entire self
With the words you said
Mere moments before”
“Well frankly Borrodyn
I had more faith but then
As I sensed no panic in your heart
Or whole entirety
But now I see
I was blinded by a longing
I didn’t know
Was as deep as it was”
Was all I said
As I hadn’t even sensed it
But no surprise there
As that’s but often beyond
The goodly ken
Of many men
And I am one indeed
I hope but yes I do
That you’ve more to say
Than a simple oh
Like you didn’t know
Which I can accept
Since men like you
Are often clueless
When it comes to women
But you better have more
To say more to me than that
Or there ain’t gonna be
No more interaction
Between you and me
Because I just shared
My own good feelings
And that is worth more
Than what you just said
“It goes without saying
Though I will say it yes
That I’ve more to say to you
Plenty more
In goodly fact
And a will to act
But not right now
As I’m too close to the feelings
That will help for naught
So I will take to bed
And speak the words
I want to speak then”
I said but clearly and strong
Acting right instead of wrong
Like I’d done in the past
And regretted fast
Which I didn’t want to happen with her
If that’s the case indeed
This is what I need
Dear Borrodyn
A distance between us
For I will surely feel
Those feelings of yours
And be most unable
To sleep the sleep
I need to sleep tonight
So I’ll do what’s best
For the both of us
As we begin to navigate
The hopeful waters
That lie ahead
And magic you back
To your own bed
Where you can sleep
As you naturally do
And I can rightly rest too
Leaving us both refreshed
And ready to talk
About all the things
That we need to speak but of
“I see” I said
And couldn’t help but show
My disappointment again
As my face showed sad
And a bubbling of “mad”
Was just but underneath the surface
Which wouldn’t do us any good
So I held it in
And tightly closed my eyes
As I felt but like
An explosion of feelings
Was about to happen
So I hissed aloud
And told her to do it
“Then magic me home now
I’m about to lose it
And there’d be no good at all
In such a stupid moment”
No there wouldn’t
So rest assured
I’ll magic you home
As soon as I can
But my fatigue
Is making it harder
Than it should be
To do this thing
That I’ve long but done
With a goodly ease
That to not but be able to do it
When it needs to be done
As soon as it can
Is as much a bother to me
As is holding in
Your feelings that you’re feeling
“So please but if you can
Be the best man
That you can be
And stand but strong
Until I’ve done what needs be done”
And I muttered under my breath
“Fegga Gamana Fokt”
Wanting nothing more
Than to be magicked away
Since she didn’t want me to stay
So I didn’t either
Only this was taking forever
And I didn’t know
How damn long
This was going to take
And how much longer
I could go without exploding
Into the anger
That was bubbling ever harder
And she was shocked
As Fegga Gamana Fokt
Was hard bad language
Not suggested
For company that was mixed
“If you think that’s good to say
It isn’t no
And I’d far prefer
That you didn’t say it again
Because it lessens what I think of you
And it’s understood
I’m certain sure
That that isn’t good
So if you surely can
Be the kind of man
That doesn’t speak that way
That’s just great
I thought to myself
With my eyes tightly closed
Getting spoken at
Instead of spoken to
As she couldn’t do
What she surely should have done already
Which was to magic me home
And give us the distance
We surely needed now
But finally
Just when I thought
That I’d surely lose it
And unleash my anger
All but over her
Like a spewing volcano
She was able to magic me home
And I crumpled to the floor
That I never wished more
Was not where I was
Though it was clearly for the best
I feared the worst
And sadly thought
My journey into the unknown
Might well and truly be
Yes over sigh
And if that was the case
A saddened face
And shoulders slumped
Would be but how
I’d carry myself
For many a day
I’m sad to say
Not that my own life
The one that I’d long but lived
Was something bad to have
But to have tasted something more
Then have it be
Yes yanked away
Because of a day
That had a bad spot
That I couldn’t have thought
Would have but such a consequence
Though given my history
With happiness and fortune
Should I really be surprised
That my daring adventure
Could well be over
Before it really started
Or so I fear
Because I’m back at home
Because she thinks it best
There be some distance between us
And once she has her rest
How much easier
That it will be
To think she’s better off this way
As the improbable task
That lay before us
Was surely sigh
Only important to me
I wasn’t fatigued
But I needed to be
In a state of mind
Beyond any thinking
And what better way
Than to sleep
So I lay myself down
And closed my eyes
Hoping that sleep would take me yes
Hours must have passed
When suddenly
I was jolted awake
As Gallakanaea
But magicked in
Screaming as she did
Sadly reminding me
Of how I’d been before
Only that much worse
Perhaps because of the magic
That was feeding the fearsome strength
Of its hold on her
“No but no
We daren’t go
Any further and far
Lest the highest star to the North
But falls on our head
And strikes us dead
So I magicked back to you
To tell you this
As I feared I’d wake in the morning
And need you with me
Where you’d insist
That we had press but on
And I would get weak in the knees
And accept your words were right
When sadly dear
They are anything but”
Not for nothing
But I was scared
If graceful Gallakanaea
Could so be panicked
Yes worse than me
How could we ever hope
To do the improbable thing
That I still hoped
That we would try to do
After all
She’d come to me
In her panicked state
Which said a lot
Since she’d previously magicked me home
Because she wanted to be alone
To sleep a goodly sleep
She couldn’t have
If I was near
So hope there was
For us in future action
Since she chose me anew
When all she could do
Was panic like
Panic was her thing
Which it surely wasn’t
“Find your calm”
I said to her
Resisting the urge
To shake her hard
Knowing it wouldn’t do any good
Especially as far as my feelings went
Because I’d feel like a failure
In mine own actions
But she wasn’t having it
And looked at me
Like I’d just said
The most awful thing
That I could say
Even though
It was what she’d said to me
When I was in
My own panicked state
So why this reaction now
And as I looked at her
Right in the eyes
What I saw therein
Was the glint of evil
And I was afraid
As she had power
While I had none
And it would of course
Take her very little effort
To sweep me away
Like dirt in a storm
Sadly sigh
And painfully too
That was what I became
Dirt before her storm
Quickly caught up
Straight but through the roof
Protected from the worst
But thankfully yes
Or I’d be dead
So there was a part of her
That protected me then
Still hard and far I went
With her but following after
Not content
To just slap me around
As would a cat to a toy
But to ensure I was broken
And completely unable
To ever again think
Of doing what I wished to do
Like its doing
Would forever change the world
And heavily I landed
Dazed and wondering
When this would end
The misery and pain
The danger and excitement
I was thinking sadly
Would best be gone
If I was going to be so battered
That I wouldn’t be long but living
“Sadly how it ends it seems
Sweet Borrodyn
Willing but inept”
She said
As she landed by my side
And not so gently magicked me up
Looking very much ready
To end me there and then
“Inept is harsh
But does it really matter
The words you use
To define me
When you stand but ready
To bring my aliveness
To a tragic ending”
“You were never meant
For an adventurer’s life
That much is clear
And that I let you have a moment
Of thinking you did
Is a fault of mine
So it’s only fitting
That the hand by which you die
Is mine indeed”
“So I’m about to die
And be missed by few
But if ever there was a time
For a last request
This is the time to make it”
I said with tears but welling up
In the corners of my eyes
Will you grant it”
“Make it yes you may
But it won’t save the day
So what’s the point I ask
But it’s the last few moments
You’ll ever have
So yes indeed
But make it quick
I’ve better places to be
Than talking to the dead”
“All I ask of you
Before you end me
Is a quick little kiss
Which I’d call sweet
But it can’t be that
When the very next step
Is my tragic death
So what is your reply
Will we share a pressing of the lips
Before I die today”
“Wait what’s this
You ask for a kiss
Yes right before dying
Like what are you even trying
Other than my patience
By asking for such a stupid thing
Before I end your life this day”
“Well what but else
Would you like me to say
On the final day
Of my too short life
Since asking for my freedom
To live moire years
Is the last request
That you would ever give me
So this is what I ask
Will you grant it or not”
“Oh foolish Borrodyn
Did you not but think
To ask for a speedy and painless death
Which surely should have been
What you asked of me
Since now it can be
Yes anything but
So sadly
Since you carelessly thought as you did
It will delight me indeed
To give you what you need
Before I give you what I want
In your last and painful moments
That you will ever have”
“Wait but hold”
As the thought of a kiss
That came before
A most painful death
Instead of one
That was painless and quick
Was far less appealing
“No there’ll be no waiting
You asked for a kiss
And that is what I’ll give to you
And then but do
What ever I wish
To make your final hours
As painful as they can be
Because that amuses me”
“But not at the cost
Which you ask me to pay
Where I die today
After many an hour
Of misery and pain
It’s just not fair at all”
“Welcome to life
Though you’ve surely seen
How unfair it is
I guess you need a reminder
That I’m only too happy to provide”
And with that said
She pressed her lips to mine
So fleetingly light
It was almost like
An insect landing
Then quickly flying away
Leaving me left
But down and fearing
What was to come but next
Namely my death
And oh how painful
She promised me
That it would be
All because I asked for a kiss
Which I wouldn’t miss
Along with all the other goodly things
I couldn’t know again
Since I’d be dead
So to say I was foolish
Is to state the obvious indeed
Then down she looked
Having magicked herself
Into the goodly air
Ready to end my life
Though much but poorly lived
Still was it mine to live but longer
Or would have been
Had she not been turned
From the goodly sorceress
She’d long but been
To this terrible servant
Of some dread dark evil
But as she hovered above me
Her face but changed
From a grimly dark look
Filled with anger and hate
To one of love
If only for a second
Almost too quick to see
And fully understand
“Curse and damn you
Weak and foolish Borrodyn
What have you done to me today
As I suddenly feel
A different way
Than ever I should
And this isn’t good
For the either of us
Though it’s infinitely worse for you
As your pain will be worse
Than even I thought
That I’d make it yes”
“Then for both our sakes
Get it done
And end my life
Because I grow weary
Of hearing you speak this way to me”
“Yes indeed
It’s surely time
That I put an end to this”
She said in her anger
A quiet and simmering rage
That could only end
In one bad way
But instead of finishing me fast
Or beginning to make me feel
A long and painful end
She drew me to her
And embraced me close
As she kissed me hard
Like it was what she wanted
Before me she magicked me back
To the cool hard ground
Leaving me stunned
And totally confused
“What is it you want
You claim to want me dead
Yet here I lie
Battered and bruised
But not yet broken
Well and truly wondering
What you truly want from me”
And a scream was her answer
Filled with rage and pain
Leaving me a want
To hold her tight
And speak naught but soothing words
Despite all that had happened
But painfully so
“You will pay for what you’ve done
Though I’m afraid
The cost alas
Is not just yours alone
As I will pay my share as well
But that’s a story dear
For yet another day
As I will send you on your way
So this is good-bye
For here our paths diverge”
“What possible cost
Are you talking about
As you are Gallakanaea
The ageless face of magic
Your loss would be tragic
And I feel no sense
Of tragedy in the air this day”
“Like you possess
Such blessed abilities
So I have no expectations
That you ever could
But it matters not at all
As you’re destined to fall
For you’re no match for me”
She wasn’t wrong of course
As she had me right but where
She wanted me yes
And all the power
She could ever need
To deal me out of life
And the seeming will
To make it come to pass