As I mentioned on Twitter, your comment about your request falling on deaf ears because you were not in a position to offer any money for contributions troubled me. First, because there’s more to life than money. There is community, which I believe writers are naturally drawn to, as writers tend to be supportive of our peers, more so than in many other fields.
Second, because it reminded me of the bouts of hopelessness I’ve fought, along with so many others, between the pandemic and the divisiveness tearing the country apart. The evening news now holds more horrors than a shelf full of Stephen King’s work does.
So, here’s something for your site. This particular story, “Fill ‘Er Up” was written as a very clear nod to the influence Rod Serling’s original Twilight Zone had on me and my own work. And like so many of the stories we watched on the Zone back then, this one ends on an optimistic note, despite the events that occur during the story.
Call it a little bit of hope. I think we can use more of that.
I hope you enjoy this, and I hope others respond to your request.