But better to lie in the grass and get even that little a reprieve from the awful heat of the day than to worry about keeping clean because even waiting for three days to launder my clothes was not too long for them to emerge clean.
And three days was long enough for me to get over the laziness that was why I had lived in the hellscape for as long as I had because I was that lazy when it came to the upkeep of my apartment.
Only twenty years ago, I would have never let it get this bad because I was neat in all my early years and that long ago version of me would have been ashamed of the me of today.
Yet here I was, in my life, living in a hellscape of my own making that had gotten to the point where I needed professional help to defeat the hellscape that dominated the place that I called home.
At least with Diane as motivated as she surely was to do a good job at defeating the hellscape that I had recklessly allowed to be, it wouldn't be the state of the apartment before I left for Earth E for the next five years.