I stood before
A curious door
That's hard to fit on through
But it feels but like
It's something that I must do
Or I'll never know
What I could have known
If I had done
What I can do now
Which is to open it
Though I'm taken aback
By the presence of a bot to the left
And a flower to the right
Like yes they're still
But how but long
Can they remain thus
Because something's telling me
That they won't be
Yes still like this
If I step any closer
And that voice
Is also telling me
That I best be careful
Not that they mean
To do me wrong
Like they'll fight with each other
To see who gets the right
To tear me apart
Until I am dead
And they get to consume me no
At least I don't think
That that is what
They mean to do
This is travelling murder door
That appears before others
Just to kill them
Which is the darkest magic
Or is it technology
That was ever made
And sent but out
Across space and time
Because there's a certain age
To this curious door
That I stand before
But I took a step forward
Yes all the same
As I knew that I had to see
What would be seen
Once I walked through the door
That appeared in the wall
Late this night
As I had to go to sleep
But earlier than normal
And would have otherwise been
Away from home
And not but seen this thing
That can't surely remain where it is
For that long at all
And neither of them moved
The least little bit
And I was able to relax
Because if they were going to move
Wouldn't they have done that
Once I took that step
That I've already taken
So my fears of anything happening
Were clearly wrong
And I could move but freely
And pass through the door
And discover what's beyond it