The water's cold
But I am bold
And flush with power
So I can bear it well
And live to tell
The story told this day
Hopeful it won't but have to be
Too hard for the reading
And little bleeding
Done by those I face
Because I don't need
No violence no
But I refuse to be denied
Not for pride
But for justice and duty
So it's up to themselves
How it all plays out
“Do you hear me Oedethum
It's up to you
How easy or hard
It has to be today
And believe you me
I don't need it to be
Any harder than it has been so far
Which has featured my rising early
And journeying out
All the way here”
I said out loud
Thinking back
To how warm a bed
I'd had to leave
Along with the company
That I left behind
When the call had come
Because of what he'd done
When his escape
Was finally discovered
There was silence of course
Not that I expected anything else
As his speaking now
Would make it easy for me
To see where he was
And target him with ease
And bring his freedom to an end
With little trouble
Which was what I wanted
As I was missing her
And if he made it easy
As he had no hope
Of escaping me
Now that I was here
Then I could take him back
To his rightful cell
Then be back home
Before she had to leave for work
Very very late
But that was wishful thinking
I'm sad to say
As having made all the effort
That it took him to escape
He wasn't about to surrender now
Even though
He had to know
He couldn't escape me
So the easier he made
The less but likely
That it would be for him
To get but sadly hurt
With the odds but going up
That this is what will happen
Not that I want it to
But he has to be brought back
To justice yes
And it's accepted practice
That there's some leeway
For a little roughing up