1 min read
15 Dec

Who's the dancing man
And why's he even dancing
After finding a rock
In the middle of a field
Though it is but glowing
But darkly it's true
So that might make you dance too
Because it's worth a lot of money
And you're just happy

Or is it sick
Because it's radioactive
And instead of being rich
Or possessed of power
You're just gonna die
And horribly too of course
Because this could just be
That kind of tale
That's about to unfold
Much to your disgust
Because relief says much
That's dark indeed

“Yes wahoo
I found the Volthym Stone
And now I'm rich
As I can sell it for thousands of dollars
By the end of the week
And that's the kind of fortune
That I sorely need
And anything else
That comes from this
Is just a bonus
That I'll happily accept”
He shouted loudly
As he continued to dance
And whoop as well

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