3 min read
19 Jul

It's painfully true

That I know not what I'd do

If I could master this place

Which is yes mine

Because I come here

Whenever I rhyme

Which I do all the time

So what else would you call it

Only for the life of me

It's technology

That I cannot master

And can only use

Like a stupid fool

So that's the downside yes 

To being blessed

To travel here

Whenever I write my verse

Not to mention

Though also blessed

With a creative mind

I cannot think

Of any way

Save for the stupidest one

Which involves the writing

Of a goodful poem

To help me master the home

I'd love to live me in

As here I know

I'd be my happiest

As sadly yes

My success 

Can never be

What I want for me

Not there at least

On a teeming Earth

Where my good works

Are laughed at

Like I'm not all that

And ain't ever gonna be

No success at all 

And that won't do

So while it's true

That I'll be missed

By family close

And even friends

Here is where it ends

In mine own place

In the good of space

Above a world

That I'd love to explore

Because it must have more

That I can learn

I cannot learn on mine

All I need to do

Is to learn

What seems impossible yes

So yet again

I'm fucking lost  

And would pay any cost

For tomorrow to begin

Yes one where I win

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