Oh yeah, I should be writing shouldn't I?
Yes, I should.
And now I'm off to Mortuvhen, which you'll be able to read at some point, though I'm not sure that it will be freely available as the first 48 days' of Mortuvhen are.
It depends on my situation by the time that this writing, on the 49th day comes up for submission to the site.
Maybe by then I'll have a Patreon?
Or something else.
But only time will tell.
It depends on hos many people will have a care for my as is writing.
And the drawings.
The t-shirts
The future paintings.
The greeting cards.
Even further in the future, the calendars.
The Comic books?
The flipbooks of simple animations?
Who knows what I'll be able to do.
And as always, what you'll want me to do.
I haven't made my trip to Mortuvhen yet and I meant to do that on the first page.
That was a good 80 minutes, though with more time I would have written more. Though that more would have been of the practice kind so maybe this was the right amount after all.
And here it is on the third page of the day as a whole and I'm still here, in the midst of some practice.
Okay, here goes something. Mortuvhen is calling.