I have an old desktop so it occasionally frustrates me to the point of cussing it out, which is an easy thing with technology as my barrier to frustration is low when it comes to that, moreso than my dealings with people, even the occasional wretcheds online.
At least that I show.
You will rarely see my upset in words with anyone online even if they've been the opposite.
No, no taking of a bow here, it's just how I roll.
You won't see today's harvesting of Mortuvhen until September if I'm still offering it up as I am now.
But that's a concern for another day when you the people are looking forward to my stories.
In the meantime, I like my chances at harving one more firld today to make it to three on only my second day with the website, which was off to a rocky start.
For me, Less than 2 fields of harvesting is a small harvest.
Though you did get to see all the words.
But you can understand why I'm not sharing all the words now since I want you to catch up to the story and the best way to do that is not share again until you have been afforded that opportunity.
Reading ahead for the one day doesn't screw the story up in my mind.
If anyone has read any of my writing since I've been here, as of yesterday, they haven't commented.
But yes, I understand that I'm going to have to wait for that ground swell of support to lift me up.
And I choose to believe that this groundswell is coming. It's
only a question of when it will and how big it will be.
It's just me of course, but I can imagine that the caller on the youtube livestream is enjoying her conversation with the host who is in Florida.
Or it was a livestream when it was live as I started tp\o watch it after it had already played.
Does it matter that I think this? No, not at all. Am I even right, probably not, but that is how I would write it.
And she said you're fine multiple times.
I'm sappy for love stories and the like.
Are you?
Comment on anything to do with love and if I like the comment, I'll draw something for the first person who sends in a comment about it.
Even if it's negative.
Who among us hasn't though something negative about love in the past?
And in the future.
My latest count, which I do frequently, sometimes too much, has me needing to write 666 words to reach 3002 words, which is the minimum goal that I set out to reach when I aim to harvest three fields' worth of words.
But those doesn't mean to you what it means to me and I am being mindful of not being too much about the words, which is one of the reasons why I have come to use the terms of First Good Peak and harvesting of fields because it's less in one's face about what I can do.
I should go and finish up this day's visit to Mortuvhen, not that you'll read any of it until September.
I'm sure that you won't mind waiting.
It's going to be easier now, to do all the writing of whatever story that I'm writing in one quarter at the same time because I won't have to make multiple copying and pasting because it's going to be less confusing to you lot to just read the stories in their own folders.
Writing my stories in with the practice writing has been very helpful since I began to write stories again after a time where I didn't so I'm going to keep doing it.
Not that you asked. But it's still my hope that you're reading more than just the stories.
Of course it would be funny if you were like the stories? I'm here for the practice of your craft man, it's interesting.
I'm good with either and both.
Neither? Not so much but there will be more of the last than the first two.
But I'm going to persevere!
And I would have been done before now and had the fullness of the hour to draw if I hadn't taken a break from the writing to do something else.
Fine, I took a nap.
And I can't write while sleeping.
Or when I'm dead.
Which I'm hopefully years from experiencing.
Decades even.
But before those decades, I have today, where I am a very quiet voice in the wilderness of the internet, with no known following that I'm going to have to build.
And in that building, I will turn to stories more and more.
I think, even if they are stories that won't have their own folder.
Would you like that? Ha! Look at me writing as if you're here.
But you'll be here eventually won't you? Even if it's only a small number of you right?
I have to believe this or there's no point in me trying some of the things that I'll be trying.
Or even think of paying to have the paid for features which I think I'm going to do.
Though I'll have to decide this in 12 hours if I want to take advantage of the introductory 40% off.
Making quick decisions of a financial nature is not something I like to do.
I can leave now at any time as I've already harvested the three fields that I was looking to.
But I'm going to continue a bit longer if it's all the same to you as I'm not going to turn to drawing now, not when I have less than 15 minutes of time to draw.
Or am I just writing too practicey now? And I should stop here?
That was 23:46 and would have been a good time to stop, especially when to harvest 20 fields this week, I don't even have to harvest 3 fields a day for the rest of the writing weeks, which is different from the calendar week as I prefer the simple of the 4 seven day weeks of 1-7, 8-14, etc.
The fifth week is whatever's left of the month, which leads to a certain conformity of months that begin and end neatly.
And this has helped me in my writing of a million words, just as thinking of my days in four quarters.
When I first started, I thought of my days in 6, but 4 is a lot neater and makes more sense.
Should I leave you with the slightest bit of story as a thanks for reading to the end of this practice of the craft which may well have gotten to be too practicey?
Nah, I'mm too close to the bottom of the page to start making Today's Fish the more fictional vehicle that I think I'm eventually going to make it. Would you like that? You should let me know. But until then, I'll keep on keeping on.