Yeah what's a fuck to do
Be utterly normal
And seemingly set
On a path of fail
Or have the taste
Of something greater
Yet be unable
To make any use of it
It makes me feel like shit
And also makes me think
Of impotence
Aye the station is
My own good woman
And the impotence is
My inability
To do a single thing with her
As I can't even touch her no
I can simply look
And dream of what could be
If I could do that more
But that only works
For some of them
As not all relations
Involve a man
And the analogy fails in those
All this to say
I have this power
And a power it is
To be able to travel
On the wings of poetry
To a distant point
Filled with technology
That we do not have
And be hopelessly lost
But at the end
Of any damn day
I'm a poet eh
And poets po
So you have to know
That I'll continue
It's just ma question
Of how damn much
I will gnash my teeth
About the pressing sad
Of an otherwise good