I missed the 00:12 starting time by 26 seconds.
The Canucks are a minute 01:52 from extending their season.
Go Canucks go.
The Canucks did it!
They beat the Knights!
But was it by 1 or 2?
There was an empty netter just as time expired(?).
Whatever, they won and live to play on for Game 6.
And the site at which I've been getting doorknobbed went down for maintenance.
So I should be writing hard while it is right?
Well hard enough to harvest half a field. Maybe.
Or not as the room is back and I am not writing hard.
I'm also watching a movie, American Wedding, from the Aemrican Pie series, though there's at least one moment in it that I fast forwarded through because there's a that one moment I didn't need to see again.
Is there another such moment coming up?
Oh that was not necessary.
So not necessary at all!
And there's one more moment coming up that I don't need.
But the crassness aside, there's a hear to the series. That I like.
Am I going to match with anyone on Match?
Though it would be helpful to have certain details added, I don't have anything good to add to those categories.
Plus, my history with dating sites is mixed, with the best of it coming 14 years ago and the nexty best good just under two years ago.
Yeah. I'm the captain of the Dateless Wonders.
Women don't dislike me, but I have bad timing and they often don't care for anything more.
Or things end sooner they would.
Sometimes at my wishing and sometimes at theirs.
I don't think I'll be writing any more fo the of the dark story that is dark because it touches on the subject of Felo-de-se. But not on the Earth, lessens the stakes.
You don;t know the word?
To the Googles you go
You're back.
Is it too dark a title?
Well, it's the title I'm going with all the same.
And still do I slog but on
Writing in fits and starts
As I enjoy the goodly fruits
Of other people's labours
While mine are regarded not
And when they are
They're quickly set on down
Oh who am I kidding
They ain't regarded at all
Or so it seems at least
And so shall it be
For I know not how long
And swear I would
Though what dang good
Would that do for me
I just have to continue
Clinging to
A believe in myself
Because otherwise
I'd be working for the Queen
And have on hand
In my account
So much more
Than I have today
Thus dare I say it
I'd be happier indeed
Without all the ambitions
I happen to have
And in that happiness
I'd have I sigh
A woman in my life
Because I am handsome righteously
And with a job
I'd be a catch
Or so I like to think
Because I've been told
Some things I like to hear
Though that didn't stop
The ending from coming
I slog but on I do
Though it's true
Especially with the rhyme
That I'm in tough
To make any name for me
Like the kind I want to have
I gotta do this thing
Even if the truth
I wrote of before
Is sadly true
Which leaves me ducked but good
Not even much past 600 words either for all my goodly efforts.
Is it any wonder it's been forever since I saw a bird in the bush on my travels?
With no end in sight neither.
I thought I had a chance for a sighting but that proved elusive. I was only fooling nyself it seems.
But at least I got me some good writing out of it yes?
Yeah, there is that.
Though if I could, can I have both, a woman at my side, or beneath me frankly and some stories being read?
I can do both. Happiness with a person and stories inspired by happiness.
Who'd a think it eh?
Oh Pizza for breakfast you are so tasty good.
Okay, there definitely won't be any of Felo-de-se being written this quarter.
I can stop writing now.
Oh yeah, I should use what's left of the final hour of the 2nd Quarter to harvest a few rows so that I don't have to harvest as much in the last two as I look to harvest three or four fields.
And if I do that...
Must you be boring
You cause us the snoring
When you go on and on
About your goodful harvesting
Of row after row
Yes we know
You're the hardest of writers
Writing a million words
Like it was half of that
Though what's it even mean
To write that much
When no one cares to even read
What you've got to read
Or so it seems
And there's much too much
The truth in this
So why why why
I cry cry cry
As my life lives on
And I can't keep up
To make my dreams
Both foolish and bold
Rightly unfold
For five is not enough
As lovely the ladies be
I could use twice as many
To say the least
So no it's not's boring
It's just a little quiet
And quiet's good
When it comes to the writing
Of the nobody writer
Outside of the tales
I struggle to tell
In the longer form
As the sadful norm
Is I begin
But cannot finish
Not that it matters right
As I can't even excite
The interests of
More than a handful
To even subscribe themselves here
And I ain't talking
About reading me
Or saying what they think
For good or bad
So I'm the overlooked lad
So if that is boring
And you're still snoring
Then call me Captain Bore
I'll still write more
Because without it yes
What even am I
Now let me cry
I'm failing hard
Because I am soft
And the world's demands
Are hard to heed
Aye they're hard indeed
“Nope, still boring. You suck.”
Okay, but why do I suck? Can you tell me why? That would be helpful.
And somewhere, someone is saying yup, you suck Writer Man. Also you shouldn't even call yourself that.
I should be readying for an outing in the next couple of hours.
But I'm staying in.
I'm going to write my butt off instead so there will be no pizza eaten today and tomorrow,
Though I would like to have some.
I have rice, but Pizza is Pizza.
Wow, I travelled through time again and as a result I am not going to be writing much of anything at all this quarter.
Certainly not the easy half field that I should have harvested or more likely the field and a bit.
I didn't have to harvest 4 or five fields today but I should have been aon the path to harversting more than 3 of them.
That will not be the case without some hard harvesting tonight.
And I don't think I am up for that.
Oh bother.
Where did my writer self go?
And the story that came easily yesterday is nowhere to be found today.
So you're left with Practice Charles as the poetry has equally checked out.
The daily need for the rest of the week to harvest the 20 fields is 2542 words, rounded up. That is not a figure that I am concerned with reaching today. Not when I'd already harvested more than the fullness of the first this morning.
But with a proper run at the good results this afternoon when I wasn't going to do whhat I;ve been doing of late would have pute me close to 2 fields for the day, if not past it and then I'd be thinking 4 because I'm looking to harvest 92 rows this month.
And that isn't done as easily without taking advantage of the days where I can harvest like I harvested yesterday.
Yes I know
I go from woe oh woe
To numbers and dnumbers more
Which you find such a bore
And you're not wrong
To lament my leaning hard
On the practice of writing
But it should be more exciting
Than talk of fields
When what it is
Is barely disguised chatter
Of all the words matter
Wven when I'm writing about
How much I've done
And how much I'lll do
I can do better than that obviously, which was the whole point of the heroe's diaries that was going to bothe them in the midst of adventuring and having diary quarters.
But where did that idea go?
It's not a dead idea by any means, but it's in a coma.
Of course, don't take this mean I'm not worth your support, I totally am, I just need to do better and avoid doing things like coming back to writing in the final half hours of quarters.
But I can't help myself when I travel through time eh.
Still, I need better defences against that.
In three hours, if I harvest three fields, which is a lot of harvesting, I will be within striking range of yesterday's great good harvest and he aim of said harvest which failed., by a makeable push.
And I'd also have just short of of half my necessary harvest in just two days, which is pretty swearing good.
Yes, it's another swear but it's good one in this case as that would be just this side of amazing.
No, it's still amazing if it isn't making bank.
The plan is that these great doings of mine will make bank for me in time.
Sooner if the potential partner that I have in mind agrees with me that what I'm doing is worth their support.
I am hopeful they will, but know that it will take effort.
And me and effort are not always...
Then again, the effort that it takes to write a million+ words is something that's beyond most writers.
Though it's for multiple reasons of course.
The first one being not wanting to. Not having the time is another.
And that is why it's the kind of achievement that makes supporting me worthwhile.
Now on to the writing of the rest of the harvesting of the three fields in three hours like it's something I can just decide is what I'm going to do.
Oh twitter.
Where's the witty savagery that I was asking for when I posted my 1-10 scale question earlier in the day?
Is it too much to ask for even one answer to whether or not you'll subscribe to my site when the answer's pretty clear.
It's a resounding no and I may have reached my limit of people that will subscribe.
Wow, that's sad since I only have five subscribers which is worse than not being able to get past 50 followers for the first ten years.
I may have gotten to 48 before I was unfollowed a time or two, but it was at 47 that I was at before I got followed like mad from March to December.
That same kind of effect is not even close to happening here, which I have to remember when I'm writing.
In fact, the opposite is happening they are refusing to even consider it and for all I know are telling their friends to take the same stance.
Probably not, but that's the feeling I am feeling right now.
It's raining outside and it's not a nice gentle rain but the kind where you get soaked even with an umbrella.
The Dallas Stars can eliminate the Avalanche tonight iif they play like they have in the three games they've won.
But the Avalanche aren't going to make it easy on them.
Go Stars.
And go me, even if I don't write a single word of story and you're left with just me, Practice Charles, who is not as enjoyable a reas as writer Charles.
But you may just get the poet.
I'm going to harvest the fullness of a field and frankly more in the first hour of writing this quarter.
If I keep up like this, I'll go past five full fields.
So I shouldn't eve go and stop off at twitter or goo to the chatting site as I write furiously to harvest as much of five fields as I can.
Light swear.
There's still no score the Dallas Star just killed off a four minute minor.
The team that scores first is going to have the momentum and that has been good for that team.
And the Avalanche are going back on the power play.
Bad form Stars.
As for me, it would be bad form to go to either of the aformentioned places, or da Insta because there's nothing special waiting for me there like there was in times past.
Did I do something sweary ina past life and I'm paying for it now?
Of course that would mean I believe in that and I don't know about that.
1100 words here I come.
And I have time enough to make it to 1200 if I push the same kind of hard that I've been pushign this hour.
So no twitter, paltalk and Instagram, I won't be dropping off at any of you if I have the sense to just keep writing.
Maybe my story brother can show and I'll make good of this great big push, which would be nice t\since the earlier travel through time made this kind of push necessary.
Well, it's not actually necessary. All I have to do is harvest three fields a day and I'll be good.
But more than three makes it possible for lesser days to not be any bother.
And I will have those lesser days.
I could even have one tomorrow.
Tick tick tick.
I'm going to go to one or all of those sites aren't I?
And for the rest of the night I'll only harvest another field, which won't even take me to four because I'm not yet at three.
I know, that's enough harvest talk.
But I can't bring back the poet because he just went for a rest as the boss is still in the feelings of the recent misery.
And no surprise, that gets them down.
Hey, it gets me too. I'm just better at pushign through than the poet who has the heart that still feels punched and slapped.
I'm into the final four minutes of the first hour and I am closing on 1200 words which is an amazing hour of writing, especially since a good part of it was poietry, which is where I gather the least.
Yes, it's good to be fast, I just wish we could be slow as we lie upon a beautiful woman.
And the Stars scored.
It's 1-0.
Go Stars go!
Tick tick tick.
I had a great good hour, what will be made of the next two?
I can't possibly maintain the same pace can I?
The Avalanche score to tie the game.
But on the plus side, I harvested almost 14 rows in that first hour and I did it with a good deal of poetry.
I was so pleased with Poet's contribution that I asked for him to come back and he told me.
He was anything but polite about it too.
Go Stars go!
That's the end of the 1st.
Oh well, at least they aren't done by five after the 1st like they were in the last game.
I took a detour and stopped off at twitter and Instagram but I'm back now and since Poet has told me to swear off, and Story isn't answering his messages, it's up to me to push on and write hard.
Now what can I write about other than harvests because you've surely had it up to here with the harvest talk since you're not farmers and know all to well what it's really about,. How much I've written and how much I'm going to write.
Besides, we know that I can do better.
The Habs made a trade that has no immediate cost and with said deal they have acquired a good backup for Carey Price in the form of Jake Allen, a longtime member of the St. Louis Blues.
Yeah, a 3rd round draft choice and a swapping of 7th rounders that will allow the Habs to give Carey Price the rest he needs during the regula season so he can play fewer games and be fresh for the playoffs that I am bullish on them making.
So yeah, that's a good trade as they are building a goodly team and the experience of those ten games that mattered in August are going to pay dividends next season.
Sorry haterz, the Habs were always going to win more Cups, they just might do it sooner than you nightmared them being able to do that.
Of course, you thought they'd never win again, so anytime is too soon for your liking.
Ha ha ha.
9 straight decades with at least one Cup doesn't happen by accident.
And we'll never know what would have happened in 2005, which was a completely lost season and in 2016 if Carey Price hadn;t gotten injured in a year the Habs just sunk straight out of any playoff positioning.
The future's looking bright.
For the Habs.
Well, inwardly I believe in me, but the look is not bright.
Can I get any storying Story?
Artists eh?
Well, I fell off in the second hour and failed to harvest the fullness of a field but given that the first hour was almost 14 rows which leaves me in a good position for the kind of harvest that will take me to five fields.
I do have more time beyond the three hours.
And I don't have to draw again today.
So 10,000 words after two days?
Still, wherever I end up at the end of the day as far as the size of my harvest, I will have harvest 9 fields because I am about to harvest past the 4th field now.
Yes, I am certainly feeling it tonight and the rest of the week is going to be stupidly easy thanks to these two days.
If only I had someone to be close to.
Yeah, the her is still on my mind. Clearly that ship has sailed and not even the goodly waters of friendship are within sight so I am fully looking for someone else.
Though that is never easy, even online which has given me more than offline has.
Though that more includes misery.
Yes, I should strongly think about 6 months or more of not looking but the odds of that being the course that I take are low.
Lower than the odds of my getting lucked.
And swear again, but this time for the game between the Avalanche and the Stars as they've gone up 3-1 in the 3rd.
Game 7 and the Avalanche will be favoured.
Let me guess, the Avs win Game 6 to extend it to 7 tonight and the Knights bounce the Canucks to end it at 6.
Oh yeah, I don't have to harvest a field oranything, which I won't since so much time has passed since last I harvested, but I should get a nice little way past the 4 fields so that harvesting the 5th is not impossible for a second straight day.
Mind you, had I not needed to draw, I would have harvested past the fifth field.
Tonight? It's less and less likely.
The Stars lost 4-1 and are looking like they could take the Avs to 7 as the Avs are flying and the Stars are not.
Just as I am not writing hard anymore.
But I can close the gap between yesterday's harvest and today's.
Odds are though I will harvest less today than I did yesterday, Especially since I am going minutes between writing stints.
And I am into the final hour of the day and the drive to write hard has faded and I am not going to write more than another whatever.
Tick tick tick.
I should just stop writing and either draw, or just do nothing because I've had myself a great good day of writing and found my way past 9000 words in the first two days which is pretty good.
Yet here I am.
Still writing.
After the hockey is finished for the day so what do I have left to write about?
Tick tick tick.
Yeah, I'm done.